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Thursday, January 1, 2015

Is it really CURRENTLY January?

Happy New Years! I can't believe that it is actually January! The holidays seem to be flying by! I head back to work in three whole days! 

It's been a while since I have linked up with Farley! Let's be honest it's been almost a month since I did any blogging whatsoever!!!!! But it's an new year! I thought I had better start off on a good note! 

Listening: I'm currently listening to my cats purr. Seriously! My girls are in bed. My husband is on the iPad and I'm sitting here surrounded by three purring cats. The peace and quiet is absolutely amazing. After a day of visiting friends, I need this. 

The girls received homemade Elsa and Ana hats from Grandma for Christmas. Do you think the cats are enjoying them?

Loving: I'm loving being home and getting to spend time with my girls. We are so lucky that Adam, my husband is off with us as well. We've had so much fun.  Between trips to see my parents up north (in the Barrie area), to day trips to movies, shopping, doing crafts, and puzzles and New Years Dance Parties! We have had a blast. 

New Year's Selfie! LOL

Thinking: I'm really wondering if 9:00 is too early to go to bed during the holidays? Especially since, I slept in until 10:00 this morning. I'm usually a night owl but right now I'm exhausted.

Wanting: I'm really wanting one more week of holidays. Trying to visit everyone is exhausting. 

Needing: I'm needing an Advil. I've been battling a headache all day I'm ready to give in and take one!

Yes: I plan to take up cross country skiing this winter. If that doesn't work out, I might just stick to snow shoeing.

Maybe: I would love to make it to the TPT conference this year! Not sure if it's in the budget though. Especially since, I would have to stowaway Adam in my carry on. :)

I wish: I really wish that I would reach my first TPT milestone! Wishful thinking? I hope not!

Thanks for stopping by!
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  1. Your family is adorable!!!

    I would love to go to the TpT conference too..but I just don't know if it's in the cards! I really want to take my family to Disney and I'd feel guilty taking a trip without them.

    I hope you make milestone soon!!



    Mrs. Payton's Precious Kindergarteners

  2. It sounds like you have had a fun, BUSY break! My first week was filled with visiting family all over, but this second week? Pure laziness.

    Cross-country skiing sounds AWESOME! I've never seen that much snow to even CONSIDER that a possible goal. I'm also not a huge fan of cold weather... but can't wait to see pictures! :-)

  3. As of now I'm planning to go to Vegas and making it our summer vacation. My aunt lives there so that will cut down on some of the costs. I would love to hit a TPT milestone but don't see it happening anytime soon. Here's to a great year for everyone!

    Swinging for Success

  4. I think every currently I have read has wanted another week off! That would be so great! I hope you go to the conference. I went last year it was SO worth it!! If you can work it out, you won't regret it:)

  5. I'd say the girls look much happier than the cats. :) cute pictures! good luck getting to that milestone.
    Not very fancy
